10 simple ways to shorten your lifespan!

10 simple way to shorten your lifespan 
(shared frm some magazine ><)

wanna kill yourself but dun have the gut to do so?
here are 10 stuffs u can do to reduce your lifespan 
and guess wat, u'll be able to subtract a total of 74 years 
from your expected date by adhering to all these tips 

 1) Being stressed out all the time is a fantastic way to shorten your life! Not only does damage your body tissue, it even interferes with your sleep, which will also turns you into Mr. Grouch and leaves you with lesser or no friend at all...

2) Smoking is another fantastic way to not only shorten your lifespan but to reduce your quality of life too. Not only will smokers have up to 14 years less life on average, they will also enjoy side effects like insomina, shortness of breath and agitation from almost day one. Best of all, they get to burn thousands of dollars a year for these awesome results!

3) U can even use your social life to shorten your life expectancy. Simply by avoiding friends and not being in an intimate relationship, your life span decreases.

4) Leave bits of food in between your teeth. Oddly, flossing is good for your heart, and doing so, regularly can add 6.4 years to your life. How? When u floss, u get rid of the bacteria that can cause inflammation in the gums that can travel all the way to your heart that lead to heart disease.

5) The danger, stress and sleep deprivation that results from working in the line of duty decrease the average doctors' life span by 8 years.

6) Don't drink any alcohol. Yes, u heard right! Drinking is good for u! This may because alcohol can serve to help strengthen social networks, which are important for maintaining mental and physical health.

7) Bring a man. Unfortunately, women live an average of 10 years longer than men. This is due to environmental reasons, genetic factors and a tendency of males to be more aggressive in nature. These sort of behaviors increase the chance of death due to violence, accidents and risk-taking.
8) Be stressed out and refraining from sex. Having frequent sex helps to relieve stress and improve sleep. It also boosts immunity and serves as a form of exercise, so by not having any, u'll be able to remove 8 years off your life.

9) Sitting 6+ hours a day makes u up to 40% likelier to die within 15 years than someone who sits less than 3 hours a day. This is true even if u exercise......

10) Don't own a pet. The simple act of petting a dog or cat has the ability to reduce stress and blood pressure. Pets owners have also been shown to be less likely to suffer from depression. That's adding another 2 year to your life. 


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