when sk finishes her short case

Dr: No need to perform PE, just tell me what you inspect.

looking at the patient who was respiratory distressed, multiple tubes,
either I've seen or I've never seen....

Me:........... T_T

EXAM ENDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a make over of 16-7 at Laman Midah,
she has been left unbathed for centuries~

cleaned the house wearing a sterile glove >_<

settled down.
brush, water colour, colour mixer plate, tissue..... bla bla bal~

Go Body Art!
ahaha! I'm insane! You crazy girl!

yup, i did a body art on myself, just like make over, supersonic!
I drew a skull on my face!!!!
Brush a light pink base over the right half of the face, then mixed a dark blue and black colour,
using the brush to sketch the basics lines, colouring! Last but not least, add on some fine shadows and bright areas.

first time ever painting on my own face, some findings (lol)

1) I need a fine brush!! which I was only equipped with 4 broad brushes~
2) Remember to prepare the subject's face with some protective cream before painting, it could be irritating!
3) Dont mix original colour with lots of water, will not stay on the skin.
4) Paint a base colour like make ups on the region you are planning to work out to aid the next colouring.
5) Always prepare a tissue paper! If you accidentally put too much water on the face, to prevent dripping!

and, yeay! It worked!
More will come! Yeepee!!!!!


  1. OMG!!!! SK!!! this s awesome!!! && super crazy!! hhahah~~~


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